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Picking Just the Right Project

Picking just the right project can be a little time consuming, but following these guidelines while you are looking will help narrow down your search:


1) Pick a topic you are interested in.  Your science fair project will stretch over several months so pick something you will enjoy researching!


2) Make sure that you are testing something.  You will need to compare a variable to a control in your experiment so make sure your project contains at least one variable to be tested.  (Good experiments will have the variable listed in the project description).


3) Choose creative projects and make sure they are grade appropriate.  Certain projects are done every year and will lose points in the area of creativity during judging.  For example, almost all projects that test a property of plants have been done before!  Here are a few examples of overdone projects:


"How do different light sources affect plants?"

"How effective are different cleaners on killing germs?"

"Making a veggie/fruit powered lightbulb"

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